Kerry Foods, Enniskillen
CLIENT Name: Kerry Group PLC

Design Team: HLM Architects

Construction commenced on this 11,000ft² building which adjoined the existing factory in May 2016. The project consisted of a new building, housing a state of the art factory facility, a link access corridor, various sized offices, meeting rooms, toilet facilities, a reception area and associated site works including dock loading areas, a storage yard and carparking.

The construction generally comprised of reinforced concrete pad and strip foundations; solid rising walls; a structural steel frame; prestressed concrete floor slabs and precast stair units; external wall & roof insulated Kingspan cladding; internal partitions constructed of light weight blockwork and metal stud partitions; powder coated aluminium window and door units; M&E installations and two new lift installations. Associated site works included foul and storm drainage, 3 no. loading bays complete with dock levellers; an extensive reinforced concrete loading/transport yard; landscaping; perimeter fencing; fuel storage areas; 76 carparking spaces; a reinforced concrete retaining wall and associated reduce level dig excavations.

Kerry Foods was a ‘live’ occupied complex which remained fully operational whilst these works progressed.

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